Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fat loss ... it's not for the experts.

O.K. people (especially women … most especially moms), I’ve got to set the record straight about fat loss.

I spent over 10 years doing what the fat loss experts said to do. I spent an enormous amount of time researching. I gave the most credence to the most accepted plans and forced myself to believe in the calories in, calories out theory. It sounded good. It was “scientific” – thermodynamics and all that, right? It made sense. But it didn’t work for me. Maybe it works for some people – I’m assuming they’re not all liars – I’m assuming they mean well.

So for over 10 years I counted calories, I weighed and measured. I used online food diaries, etc. I ate tuna and egg whites and frickin’ oat meal. I was hungry almost all the time. You know what I got? Fat. Yep. I remember following a particular mainstream diet to the “T.” I mean I was Miss Anal Retentive. I was being “good.” I gained six pounds in ONE WEEK. No, it wasn’t water. It took weeks to get it off.

I kept thinking that if I was “perfect,” if I calculated more accurately, if I worked out just a bit harder I would lose fat. (I’ve always been active. I was an athletic kid and a gym rat as an adult so exercise was not a problem with me.) The problem was at the core. The problem was that I believed a calorie was a calorie as far as fat loss is concerned. I really believed it because it was no bullshit and it was quantifiable. It was my failure.

So I accidentally stumbled across the solution to my problem and, I suspect, the problem for many people – especially women and most especially moms. For the first 34 years of my life I was always between thin and normal weight until I had my second child. Then I began to gain weight. The harder I tried to lose it the more I gained. It was like quick sand. I had become hypothyroid and even though I began to feel better when I started taking (natural) thyroid medication the fat didn’t budge. If you are hypothyroid you know exactly what I’m talking about. You can check out story after story on thyroid web sites. People don’t just gain 20, 40, 60 and more pounds of fat after being thin for decades and eating the same amount or less.

Because I suspected I had a systemic yeast problem I went on an anti-yeast diet. At the heart of the diet is a complete avoidance of sugars and grains. I stopped eating sugars and grains COMPLETELY. I stopped counting calories. I stopped being concerned about dietary fat. I even stopped exercising as hard and as often. Basically, I just took it easy. And guess what? I lost 15 pounds in six weeks.

I can eat enormous amounts of raw nuts, seeds, raw fruit, and any veggie other than potatoes and still lose weight. The little brainwashed voice in my head said I would gain weight if I ate a grapefruit, two oranges, two apples, an avocado, an enormous salad with cheese and loads of olive oil, handfuls of raw almonds, protein shakes with 2% milk, whole yogurt and frozen fruit, whole eggs fried in coconut oil, several carrots and several coffees loaded with half and half. Nope. Fat seemed to melt away. BUT, if I ate even one piece of bread and hardly anything else I would gain weight. The numbers don’t add up because you’re body is not counting calories. It doesn’t give a sweet damn about your calories in vs. calories out equation. Honestly, when in the history of the world have people needed to calculate food to maintain a healthy weight? It’s all about balanced nutrition.

So I no longer care what any of “the fat-loss experts” say. I have become my own fat-loss expert and I hope that this info helps others who are in the same situation. I’m keeping a “diary” of sorts and once I’ve reached my fat loss goals I’ll elaborate more and publish it. I’m also going to add more basic info on the blog tomorrow. But for now watch this:

I wish every single one of you magnificent health.

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